The Tunisian Electricity and Gas Company announced on Tuesday the new electricity and gas tariffs that came into effect starting from the first of January 2017, after the state budget for the current year approved an increase of 5% in electricity and 7% in gas. The adjustment of electricity and gas tariffs is expected to generate revenues worth 175 million dinars for the state budget. The Communications Director of “STEG,” Amal Thabeti, stated in an exclusive statement to (TAP) on Tuesday afternoon that the new adjustment primarily includes residential and non-residential customers (small businesses and crafts) in low voltage for electricity and low pressure for gas. She indicated that the bracket of residential and non-residential customers consuming between 1 and 200 kilowatts/hour per month will be charged at 162 millimes per kilowatt/hour. For customers consuming between 201 and 300 kilowatts/hour per month, the charge will be 198 millimes per kilowatt/hour, while for those consuming between 301 and 500 kilowatts/hour per month, the consumption charge will be 285 millimes for residential customers and 260 millimes for non-residential customers. The spokesperson added that customers whose monthly consumption exceeds 500 kilowatts/hour will be charged at 350 millimes per kilowatt for residential customers and 295 millimes for non-residential customers. On the other hand, she emphasized that residential customers in low voltage for the economic installment were exempted from the new adjustment, as the same previous tariffs were maintained. She further explained that the exemption includes a bracket of residential customers consuming between 1 and 50 kilowatts/hour per month, with a charge of 75 millimes per kilowatt/hour, and also a bracket of residential customers consuming between 1 and 100 kilowatts/hour, with a charge of 108 millimes per kilowatt/hour. Regarding gas, Amal Thabeti highlighted that residential customers consuming between 1 and 30 cubic meters per month will be charged at 231 millimes per cubic meter. As for the bracket of customers consuming between 1 and 60 cubic meters per month, the charge will be 290 millimes per cubic meter. The bracket related to consumption between 1 and 150 cubic meters will be charged at 375 millimes per cubic meter, and for higher consumption, this price will increase to 439 millimes.
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